Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Evisorax: Deathgrind destroyers return from hiatus

Evisorax are on the brink of bouncing back from some downtime after their critically acclaimed EP, Enclave and a lineup shift. I caught up with founding member and guitarist, Dan Lynch, about overcoming label trouble, their new album and the band's future plans. 

What changes has the band undergone since Enclave was released back in 2008?

Massive changes, it’s much faster, nastier and violent than it was previously. Both you and Keith jumped ship after various internal friction. I think you found Jesus or something (It was Eckhart Tolle – ed) and Keith wanted to do hair modelling or something like that. Things have been incredibly strenuous for the last 18 months, having to find new members, rehearse, jam and write the new material. There were some really depressing parts where it came close to hang up the axe and calling it a day but I manned the fuck up. In place of Keith I now have Simon Brotherton formerly of the late Narcosis and currently also in The Ergon Carousel and in your place we’ve got Christopher Grenfell who was in Carmen and currently vocalist of The Ergon Carousel.

Can you give a brief summary of what happened with Anticulture Records?

Brief summary? Erm, signed, elated and thought the world was the proverbial oyster, tour, smash, grind and intoxicants. Shortly leading to communication silence between us and them, resulting in no progression - end. It's the past, which is where it will stay.

Did you consider giving up or starting a new band from scratch?

As mentioned previously, I seriously considered giving up at several points, the fact being is that Evisorax is not my first try at music and after so many years of being kicked in the teeth you kinda become down trodden and disheartened. But after a few whiskeys and cigarettes you realise that you don’t become more down trodden but more of the under dog and rabid beast that you convey throughout your musical direction.

Narcosis were a major influence on your playing style, what's it been like incorporating some of its members into Evis?

Shit fucking scary dude, seriously. I would always attempt to incorporate Narcosis’ ethics into my writing. So to be working with the drummer of that band at first was like 'fuck I hope he likes this' and on the flipside 'shit I hope he doesn’t think that I’ve ripped a Narc riff here. But Brod is all about the music, a demon behind the kit and a solid dude who I couldn’t ask anymore from and if anything has only helped push Evisorax to the next level and beyond.

Has your approach to songwriting changed much over the years?

I wouldn't say that it has changed but it has developed in the sense that the goal has always been to play as fast as inhumanly possible. However these days I can push it further than I used to and my mind has developed more in aspects where I can fully body out songs and structures I hear in my head and obviously my playing has improved so the concept of playing crust/grind of an old school era thrown in with modern sounds and technical blasts such as sweeps have become easier to plan and write.

Can you explain how you went about writing the album?

I would get drunk, think how much I despised you and Keith for leaving me and shred it out on the guitar! Basically I hear the sounds in my head, and I try to find where those sounds are located in on the fret board. No theory, just practical. Then throw in elements of musical composition at the time I’m not capable of and make myself capable, add a hell of a lot of venom and violence with incredible drumming and disgusting vocals and that’s the formula.

What are some of the things you wanted to musically achieve on the album?

To do some vocals - definitely. For years with you I would always scream whilst onstage without a mic and you always encouraged me so whilst in the studio I wanted to test it out. I'll await the answer. Other than that the goal was simple, to create a complete and utter mind fuck of rabid album! I obviously wanted to step it up a notch, i.e. sweeps and speed as well as the drums and have louder vocals this time in the mix!

What was the recording process like?

Incredible mate, a young chap called Gavin Collett did it. Best guy I have worked with, hands down - totally switched on, knew his shit and we would work from 10 am to 5/6 am at times. You couldn’t ask more from him. Dobber Beverly of Insect Warfare also helped set up and had some input on the first day also, great guy.

How will the album compare to Enclave?

I don’t think it will as it's more of a progression. I believe the last two tracks of Enclave were the prequel to this however I believe the new tracks surpass both of them. As yet there is no title, working titles have been, P.W and K.M, Rest In Pieces.......jokes.

Who are some of the bands you're currently listening to?

Assuck, Siege, Pig destroyer, Napalm death, Kill the client, Wormrot, Circle of dead children, Agorophobic nosebleed, Insect warfare, Brutal truth, The Ergon Carousel, Magrudergrind, Lock up, The Atrocity Exhibit, Discordance axis, Maruta, See You Next Tuesday, Diskreet, Army of Flying Robots, Johnny Truant, Raging Speedhorn, Iron Monkey, The Red Chord, Converge, Noisear.

You're a big fan of sweeps and have always sought to incorporate them into your music, can you go into detail about why you're such a fan of them?

Because sweeps bring a cleanliness, a sterile wipe of the dirge perhaps before the open wound pulsates and gushes blood out again! Plus, it’s a way to show control over the craft, to play stupidly fast parts and then execute a clean sweep thrown in randomly before launching back into it shows discipline and control as well as contracts within the composition.
I’m not a fan of sweeps for the sake of them, nor over kill, more when they’re thrown in for a millisecond or a couple of seconds to throw you off balance. Plus they sound shit hot and I never used to be able to do them properly so it became an obsession haha.

You're one of the fastest axemen I've seen, how do you achieve such speeds?

Haha, dude I seriously doubt I’m anywhere near the fastest axemen but I appreciate the comment all the same. And as for how I get up to and maintain speed...... I never grew out my adolescent years... you know what I'm saying?

You're touring with Wormrot, this is a great combination of bands - what are some of your goals for the tour?

To shred the stage, get smashed and be a dick! I really want to show the audience that the wait was worth it for our return, there’s not a month goes by where I still receive gig offers, merchandise orders or someone checking in on our progress so really I want to give everything back. Really prove why Evisorax are a force to be noted!

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

To continue writing, making everything tight as possible, destroy the UK with Wormrot and see what happens if the world hasn’t exploded by that point.

